Friday, November 26, 2010

My Challenge

I have been natural all my life but yet I still feel like someone who just did their BC (big chop) because I never really paid much attention to my hair. For most of my life especially high school I would get the typical " When are you going to get a perm?" or the most recent one " You have been natural all your life? Then why isn't your hair down to your butt?" (..Umm yeah theirs a thing called breakage.) I never really took control of my hair until now. For the past four years since I've been in  college I've had mostly braids and kinky twist. And when my hair was out I would get my handy dandy press and curl. I've been researching about natural hair since my junior year of college through YT and most recently blogs and that has really helped me out. I recently made a promise to myself that I would try for a year not to get braids in my hair ( since that has always been my clutch) and really find out  how to finally take care of the hair thats on my head instead of depending so much on others to do it.

My first attempt of doing a protective style. I got this idea from YT Ms.Vaughn but changed it up a bit. 

My friend Belinda and I . This is just some random hairstyle that turn out great. I braided the sides and the rest is just a twist out w/shea butter. 
My handy dandy press n curl..=)

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