Monday, January 10, 2011

Nothing Says It's Cold Like A Little Bit of Snow!

Snow storms! Snow storms! Snow storms!!! What can you say? I don't know about you guys but it has currently been snowing A LOT here in Jersey! You can either cry about it or put on some boots and gloves and accept it. And I personally chose to accept it. Even though I love the summer (don't get me wrong: sundresses, sunglasses, bbq's, sandals....the whole nine!) I love fall/winter fashion so much better because there is so much to choose from! Here are some shoes that I have already picked out outfits for ( insert spongebob grin).

P.S. Happy Belated New years!! Sorry..I know I am really late!
Forever 21
Forever 21

Forever 21

Forever 21

Can you tell that I really like Forever 21?


1 comment:

  1. i love all of these forever 21 shoes! i'm so glad they're making stylish, affordable shoes!


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